Fraud Vigilance

Squali accompanies you

SQUALI tracks and records for you:
> News concerning regulatory monitoring according to a list
of targeted reference text for the agri-food industry
> Alerts through RASFF notifications
> Food adulterations (food fraud) recorded in the
global level

More than a simple database, SQUALI supports you and remains an accessible hotline:
Our files are sent to you after having created filters specific to your activity and thus to keep only the data corresponding to your products. For each service, you have access to an Excel file with all the data so you can use it and filter it according to your criteria.
On monitoring regulations dedicated to your sector of activity

On tracking alerts

On monitoring adulterations (food fraud)

Fraud Vigilance

On a case-by-case basis, we can also offer follow-ups such as:
  • Global pesticide regulations:
    comparison of global MRL data (Maximum Residue Limits or MRL in English – countries: EU, USA, Japan, Canada, etc.)
  • Alerts US

Do not hesitate to contact us to test for free. Our services for recording regulatory monitoring, food fraud and monitoring EU alerts (free test possible: 3-week alert monitoring)

A question about the recorded data?
Our quality & regulatory department is here to enlighten you!
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